I'm next to Luke at the control station of a crane on a gigantic open-air truck. We're getting reading for a big morning! A very big, old, rotten tree has to come down. Luke's in charge. He's operating the crane to remove the tree, piece by piece. It's a very big and dangerous job. Oh, no, I forgot my hard hat!! I better get it on and be safe! (Can you see the guy way up high above Luke's head? He's in the next picture.)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
At the Helm
I'm next to Luke at the control station of a crane on a gigantic open-air truck. We're getting reading for a big morning! A very big, old, rotten tree has to come down. Luke's in charge. He's operating the crane to remove the tree, piece by piece. It's a very big and dangerous job. Oh, no, I forgot my hard hat!! I better get it on and be safe! (Can you see the guy way up high above Luke's head? He's in the next picture.)
Cowabunga! I'm Pretty High up Here!
Put in Your Ear Plugs!
Dan has controls in the box in which he's standing. He's lifted himself way up high to be next to the trunk so he can cut the tree into pieces easily. See the strap on the tree? The hook on the crane's cable attachs to the strap for easy lifting. The chainsaw makes a very loud noise, so Dan always protects his ears with special plugs to muffle the sound.
Smart Dan!
Look at the Termite Tracks and Holes
Supper Anyone?
King of the Mountain
Max and I are at the top of a giant pile of mulch. That's what's left over from the trees after they go through a grinder. Now the mulch is perfect for using in the garden. When I spread it, the mulch will keep down weeds, keep moisture in, make a new home for worms, insects, and microbes (plants and animals which can only be seen under a microscope), and eventually turn into rich soil ready to be planted.
Mulch is Magic!!
Smiles from the Heart
Here I am backstage with the Royal Dancers from the Asian country of Thailand. They had just performed in their brightly-colored, sparkling costumes at the East-West Center on the campus of the University of Hawaii in Honolulu. The Princess of Thailand was in Hawaii dedicating a building and they accomlpanied her. To know more about upcoming events at the East-West Center go to: http://arts.EastWestCenter.org
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Ride Em' Cowdog!!
Mom Competes Too!
The Officials
Linda, holding me, and Lu, the timekeeper, were in charge of the rodeo. I liked being up high looking into the arena. There was a lot of dust stirred up by the horses racing around the posts. If you want to know more about women competing in these rodeo events, google: hawaii women's rodeo association.
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