Look at that big hole, called a vent, in the earth's crust on the rim of Halemaumau Crater on the Big Island. It's spewing 1,000 tons of steam and sufuric acid and other gases every day. Yikes! I'm standing on the wall of the Jagger Museum at Volcano National Park. Sometimes the wind shifts and the gases drifts towards the park. They can be so toxic that the whole place gets closed down.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Halemaumau Crater---The Earth Breathes
Look at that big hole, called a vent, in the earth's crust on the rim of Halemaumau Crater on the Big Island. It's spewing 1,000 tons of steam and sufuric acid and other gases every day. Yikes! I'm standing on the wall of the Jagger Museum at Volcano National Park. Sometimes the wind shifts and the gases drifts towards the park. They can be so toxic that the whole place gets closed down.
The Earth is Always Changing! Always!
Look Closely-----Psssst, It's not Fog!
Always Ready to Lend a Hand
Loving the Stage
Friday, June 20, 2008
Mauna Kea--I'm on the Top of the World!
Wow!! Look at me! I'm standing on the highest mountain in the world. The air is very thin, so I'm feeling a little lightheaded.
This is one of the best places on the globe to see the celestial sphere--everything in outer space. Behind me is one of the thirteen observatories on this mountaintop. The next photo shows four more. The silver one on the right belongs to NASA and only measures infrared light.
Getting to the Top-Brrrrrrr!!
Almost to the Top! Pant, Pant.
I'm at 9,000 feet up the slope of Mauna Kea. I had to stay here at the Visitor Center for two hours before I went to the summit so my little doggie body would adjust to the altitude. Remember, I live at sea level most of the time and there is lots more oxygen in the air there than at 14,000 feet ABOVE sea level!
Heading Up!
The road to the top of the mountain was really bumpy most of the way. It took almost half an hour (30 minutes) to get to the Gemini Observatory. Just a little ways before (see the logo above). We reached the summit, the road was paved. Can you guess why?
It keeps the dust down so the astronomers have a clearer view of the sky at night.
Anyone in good health, over 16, and not pregnant, can visit there. Just make sure you have the right kind of car to drive up; four-wheel drive only.
Feeling a Little Woozy
The altitude was a bit much for me. I started getting a little stomachache and feeling faint. So I went into the control room of the Gemini Observatory and took it easy. Luckily they had a big, soft sofa on which I would rest. Chris is an engineer from England who kept me company. He was using his computer to correct a problem with a laser on the telescope. It was quite a bit too complicated for my little doggie brain.
From Around the World
Here I am with Tom (holding me) and Glenn, scientists who study outer space. We're at the staff building where I had lunch and dinner while I was visiting Mauna Kea. Notice all the flags. Thirteen countries have astronomers living here and researching the celestial sphere using the telescopes in the observatories. Tom is from the United States and Glenn is from England. Glenn thought I was a very interesting chap, indeed!!
Everyone's Working Together
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Plant, Grow, Harvest, Prepare, Eat Slowly
Surfing with the Gecko
In Charge on Oahu
And What Will You Bid?
Friday, June 13, 2008
Isn't She Beautiful!!
A New Pal at the Airport
Can you believe all the ribbons and buttons on this bear? He's been to more places that I have. His name is Theodore Van Gogh, Teddy for short, and I met him in Houston while we were both on a layover. His owner, Maggie, is an artist who takes him all over the world. She dresses him up and takes pictures of him in wild costumes. He's even been to the pyramids in Egypt-----lucky guy! Teddy is also the mascot of HAPPY DAYS AND SPECIAL TIMES, an organization for children with cancer.
Find out more about Maggie & Teddy. Go to: www.margarethoybach.com
The Happy Bakers at the Farmer's Market
Funny Who You Meet at the Bookstore
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Heading West through Western Maryland
"It's Always Frosty in Frostburg"
So said Beulah as she was getting ready to plant some geraniums on a lamppost in Frostburg. She belongs to a garden club that beautifys this little town located in the mountains of Western Maryland. She was wrapped very warmly because it was soooo cold. Look at the temperature sign behind her. Yikes, 51 degrees, and it's almost summer! And it was even colder because the wind was blowing. Brrrrrrr!!
Sweets in the Burg!
Lunchtime on Route 40 West
This is the Princess Restaurant on main street in Frostburg. It's a very good old-fashioned place to have a fine meal and it's a bargain too-----a hamburger is only $1.70. Now that's what I call a deal! Stop in sometime. It's been a gathering place for FSU college students and "townies" for many, many years and still is!
Friday, June 6, 2008
A Big Blue Lap Just for Me!
From Midshipman To Ensign
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Getting Around in Annapolis
Because Annapolis is on the water with many little creeks and rivers flowing into the harbor, it's easy to get around by boat. I didn't have my own so I just called the "Water Taxi" and he picked me up and delivered me to where I wanted to go. The cost was very nominal (cheap). Here is Tim, the captain of the boat.
Yummy----A Very Sweet Treat!
Serenaded in the Water Taxi
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