Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Okay.......get ready....Mom and I are heading up the Coast of California from San Diego to San Francisco.   I'm prepared for the Wild Mouse Ride.  Are you!  Hertz was kind enough to sponsor our trip!!  Hooray for Hertz!!  Hooray for Hertz!!
So......follow along.

The Bird's the Word

This is Bird!  He's a famous shaper who has a shop in the Morena area of San Diego, and a museum.  His collection of surfboards is displayed on the ceiling of his quonset hut along with vintage wet suits.  He has a great sense of humor and made me laugh out loud!  He's a character!

Getting Ready to be Hung

This is Bird's nest of wetsuits that are waiting to be archived and hung from the ceiling.  What a collection he has, don't you think!

My Pal, the Retired Principal

Hooray for Bethney, my friend, who generously let me stay in her home in Mission Hills in San Diego (and Gary too.) We're on the top of the highest mountain in the area.  Look at the next photo and see the real Mission, one of the first buildings in the area.

The "Mission" of Mission Hills

Here it is, Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala.  This is the site of the first of 21 missions built by the Spanish along the California Coast.  This particular structure is the 4th mission to be built here since 1769.

See You at Bird's

Make sure you stop by this cool surf shop when you are visiting San Diego.  Tell Bird the Dog sent you!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Kiss from Heaven

Mayumi Oda is a famous artist who was born in Japan and, now, lives on the Big Island.  She was in Honolulu for the opening of her show at the Honolulu Art Museum formerly known as the Honolulu Academy of Art.  Oh my, oh my, I do love her work.  See what you think.......

Friday, May 25, 2012

The Colors, Oh, the Colors

Mayumi studied fabric/textile design in art school in Japan.  Her prints reflect her love of color.  I am especially taken by her bold graphics.  She says, "Without creating art, I wouldn't be myself".

I Just Have to Sigh

This is a close up of Mayumi's print in the postcard in the previous photograph.  See what I mean about the colors and bold graphics!

There was Art Everywhere

Mayumi's prints were complimented by the decor of the Robyn Buntin Antiques and Art Gallery at 848 South Beretania Street in Honolulu.  Please, take yourself there and see the exquisite exhibition.  Her show will also be up at the Honolulu Art Museum for eight months.

Like Father, Like Son

Originally from the Big Island, Tusha Buntin, lived in Japan when he was a child.  His dad, Robyn, had had an antiques shop in Hilo before they moved.  And now, they have the finest, in my little doggie opinion, the finest collection of Asian antiques on Oahu.  You must visit.  It's like visiting an art museum.

Bravo to the Buntins

I'd like to personally thank the Buntin family for giving Mayumi Oda a reception celebrating the opening of her show, A PRAYER FOR THE NEW BIRTH OF JAPAN, at the Honolulu Academy of Art.  I was so inspired viewing such beautiful, bold, and brightly-colored prints.  They are thought provoking, too.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Getting Ready to Sway

These young women are just about ready to step on the stage at the Hawaii Book and Music Festival on the grounds of Honolulu Hale, which means "city hall", in the heart of the city.   They are from Halau Hula Ka Noeau.  I love the smiles on their faces.  Learning to dance hula starts at a very young age and continues forever.  It's so special for me to be at celebrations and watch children dance and then watch their grandmothers dance, too.  Once you learn to dance hula, you dance on and on and on.

Following in her Mom's Footsteps

Anna was volunteer at the Hawaii Book and Music Festival.  Her mom, Jacqui Pirl, an author, coordinated all the volunteers for the two-day event which promotes literacy. It draws a big crowd for the music and booths all of which advocate getting smarter in one way or another.  I like that idea!!  I like getting smarter!

Could it be More Beautiful?

Sitting under the sky high monkey pod trees, this literacy event drew a crowd that truly appreciated all that books and music have to offer---stimulating the mind and the heart!  The trades were blowing the delicious smells from the food vendors and the birds tweeted overhead as these folks rested and chatted and ate lunch.  It was a family affair and a wonderful way to spend the day.

Take a Look. It's in a Book!

Sound's the theme song to "Reading Rainbow".  That PBS show for children was my favorite!
These folks are exchanging their books for ones in the Bank of Hawaii Book Tent.  The employees of Bank of Hawaii collected about 5,000 books to start the event.  Next year, bring your books to trade.  I know I will.  There were brand new books there to swap!

Meet the Author AND the Illustrator

Dr. Caralon is a pediatrician from Kauai who wanted to buy some children's books for his office and couldn't find any he liked.  His wife, Joanna, suggested he write one and she would illustrate it.  Look above their heads-----Joanna's suggestion worked!  See more at 

My Link to Civilization

Because I live in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and because these islands are the most geographically isolated spot on the planet, I'm happy I have a radio at home and in the car.  Hawaii Public Radio (FM1 @ 88.1and 88.5) connects me to the world.  I listen to the news from Canada and from the BBC.  The talk shows are informative and interesting, the music is inspiring-------listen in and I'm sure you will agree.  You can also volunteer----that's Gene Evans holding me.  He heads up Community Outreach for the station.  Gene would love to hear from you:   Tell him Rex the Surf Dog sent you!

Should I or Shouldn't I?

Well, I stopped by this booth at the Hawaii Book and Music Festival to see what it was all about.  I had heard of MENSA before and knew it was an organization of intellectuals.  The fellow in charge said I had to take a little test before I could join.  So.......being a smart dog, I decided to put that out of my head and  not to tax my brain too much (at least for the time being)!  Maybe I'll drop in at this booth next year and rethink my decision.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Come on Down to the Farm

Betty Gearen, in the green, and friends are making "Seed Balls".  They were part of Mohala Farms Open House.  Betty is about as "green" as you can get.  She teaches sustainability out of her home in Honolulu and always supports events that are good for the planet.  See what else was going on in the next few photographs........

From the Bromeliad Family

There was lots to see at Mohala Farms in Waialua, a former sugar plantation town.  This pineapple just happened to be part of the landscape.  It takes about 2 years for the fruit to mature and be edible.

She'll Tell you All About It

Kathy Maddux is one of the owners of Mohala Farms and has been an organic farmer for 30 years.   She spent the day giving tours and explaining to the many visitors what makes her farm successful.  Find out about the next farm tour at:

Another Partner - The Director

Mark Hamamoto is another owner of Mohala Farms which is a non-profit. He told me he and Kathy had an Open House to, "Share the farm and let people know who we are and where we are."  Well, he surely succeeded!
See that yummy plate of food in his hand, it was all vegertarian and soooooo delicious!!  Good home cookin'!

Sweet, Sweet Slack Key Guitar

Jeff Peterson has been on my blog before.  He's one of the finest musicians on Oahu and plays beautiful Hawaiian music.  I often hear him on Hawaii Public Radio.  Jeff came to Mohala Farms Open House to support Kathy and serenade the farm's guests from the back of a flatbed truck!  It was so "down home".  Jeff just released a new CD.  Learn more at his website:

Saving the Trees, Saving the Planet

I know that seems like an odd title for this photograph, but this gentleman, Markus, was showing me how a "Solar Cooker" lets folks in underprivileged countries, like Madagascar where there is no electricity, cook without burning firewood.   I like that idea! It makes perfect sense; prevent deforestation.

In the Shade of the Hale

Hale (ha lay) means "house or home" in Hawaiian.  In this particular one at Mohala Farms, there was poi pounding going on.  Poi was a staple of the ancient Hawaiians and is still very popular in the local diet.  It's made traditionally by pounding a taro corm with a special carved rock.  Look closely and you'll see the "poi pounder".

Just Starting

Kai is an expert at building a "hale" which you now know means "house or home" in Hawaiian.  He's using branches cut down at Mohala Farms and tying them together with a U joint lashing.  He'll finish it off with a roof of palm fronds.

Hanging on the Farm

Dave is one of the workers at Mohala Farms and is loving being in Hawaii and working on the land.  That little girl in the foreground was running around collecting stray chickens to put back in the hen house!  She was having fun during the "round up"!

Very Clever

Now I really liked the way these seedlings were being raised.  Isn't that gutter filled with soil a very novel idea.  Smart way to reuse!  Good for the planet, don't you think?  Did you notice the nasturtiums in the background?  Those are peppery little flowers that grow on a vine that you can put into a salad--chomp, chomp!

Yes, Just Label It!!

There is a strong movement in Hawaii and across the United States to label foods that have been genetically modified or engineered!  Mary Lacques had a little tent at Mohala Farms the day of the Open House so she could share her knowledge about GMOs.

Green, Brown, Green, Brown, Green.....

That's Ruth, another worker on Mohala Farms.  She was building the compost piles out in the field.  Here's what you do:  make sure you layer your pile---fresh clippings or veggies first and then a layer of brown leaves, dried grass-----then another layer of green, then one of brown, and on and on.  You can give the pile a spray of water every now and then to help it break down more quickly.  Pretty soon, presto, a pile of nutrient rich soil you can add to your garden soil.

A Valuable Resource

Now I know it may sound a little icky, but, keeping worms is such an asset when you have a farm or even a small garden.  Their castings (poop) is super duper rich and when you add it to your soil, it's like adding gold dust.  Mom did it at her school garden and the plants that came up were uber healthy and dark green.

Bye, Bye You All

What a wonderful day I spent at Mohala Farms Open House.  Remember you can go on the tour too and enjoy an organic farm adventure on the North Shore of Oahu.   Details at: