Sunday, May 10, 2015

Bikes, Bikes Everywhere!

Should you ever venture to the Netherlands, you must learn to ride a bike.  They are everywhere.  Here I am in Rotterdam and in every direction there are bicycles.  I love it!  So sustainable....and healthy.

A Car, a Trolley, or a Bike?

Your choice.  Notice the tracks, the road, and the bike path.  I wish Honolulu had these opportunities to get from here to there, from the beach to the mountains.  We did have trolley cars long ago.

Watch Out!

You had better look where you are walking in Rotterdam.  Bikes are flying by, scooters are zooming close, and the trolley cars are coming every which way! And, of course, unless you are Dutch, you can't read the street signs. Yikes!

Baskets and Bicycles

I love, love the beautiful bouquets.  This bike made my heart full.  I had to stop and take a better look and appreciate the innovative (that's a "Fancy Nancy" word which means "clever") way to bring beauty to the streets of Rotterdam. What's your opinion?