Did you notice the spooky decorations? It's the last Saturday of the month and that means ART WALK in Haleiwa. I'm with Clark Little in his gallery. This award-winning North Shore photographer has been published by National Geographic and numerous magazines. He also had his shots hanging in the Smithsonian this past summer. He captures his breathtaking pictures while swimming, and sometimes standing, in the shorebreak. That's a dangerous occupation! See more of Clark's work at: clarklittlephotography.com
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy Halloweeeeeeen!!
Did you notice the spooky decorations? It's the last Saturday of the month and that means ART WALK in Haleiwa. I'm with Clark Little in his gallery. This award-winning North Shore photographer has been published by National Geographic and numerous magazines. He also had his shots hanging in the Smithsonian this past summer. He captures his breathtaking pictures while swimming, and sometimes standing, in the shorebreak. That's a dangerous occupation! See more of Clark's work at: clarklittlephotography.com
Do You See Two Crows? Look Hard!

While on the ART WALK, I stepped into another gallery and learned something new. While this surfboard was being glassed, the artist, Nick Welles, took his brush and painted on the resin with pigment. This style of surfboard art is called "free style glassing". It was born when Nick and his shaper/partner were just being silly and began throwing color into the resin and slapping it on the board just to see what would happen and, presto, abstract art! See more of Nick's work at twocrowssurfboards.com
Where's the Action? Trick or Treat!

Sunny, holding me, and her two girlfriends, Kelei (in the hat) and Emma got all dressed up for the ART WALK and found out that the big party in Haleiwa had been the night before! Boooo.
Sunny's mom, Patty, owns the ice cream shop in town called Scoop of Paradise. She's just getting ready to open up a factory in the neighborhood to make her world famous homemade ice cream on a big time scale. She'll be shipping it off to Japan!
Pssst! Pssst!

The North Shore of Oahu is home to many creative residents and artists. Make sure if you ever have the opportunity to visit Haleiwa on the last Saturday of the month, you come early, have dinner at one of our great restaurants, and then walk around this little beach town and take in all the art! These seahorses are made of resin, the same material shapers use to glass their surfboards!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Surf's Always Up Somewhere

I found this display of surfboards at an art gallery/design studio in Soho. Soho (which means south of Houston Street) is in lower Manhattan in New York City. This place is the office of Partners and Spade. Andy Spade cocurated the show with a famous surfing campany called Quiksilver to showcase surf memorabalia from 80's for the release of THE EIGHTIES AT ECHO BEACH, a book about surfing in southern California 30 years ago.
These boards are made by a fellow named Stussey who sold his name and company awhile ago, so he started a new brand and here it is on these sticks he shaped.
Now Where's Mine?
So You Won't Slip
Designs Have Changed
Underneath a surfboard there are fins made of fiberglass. In the 80's there was usually only one big fin that looked like these. Today, most boards have three fins which are smaller than the ones on display at this art show at Andy Spade's gallery/office.
These fins are like the rudder on a boat. When a surfer presses into the wave with his back foot, he can direct the board wherever
he wants to go. Hopefully, he'll be heading into the "Green Room".
Where IS the Hottest Hundred Yards?
Yes, Quiksilver is big! Every major city has a surf shop and you'll see this label on "top of the line" surfwear.
Check out Quiksilver's website: www.quiksilver.com
This company sponsors many world-famous wave riders! My friend, Kelly Slater, the top surfer in the world, is one of them!
Do some research and find out the location of the "hottest 100 yards".
Friday, October 21, 2011
I Love Hawaii Public Radio!

Yes, I love Hawaii Public Radio! I love it so much that I was willing to volunteer at the autumn pledge drive---and be there from 6 am to 9 am. Yikes! I arrived at the studio when the sun was coming up! Nikki, a news reporter, was there to show me around and teach me the ropes. Phone in your pledge now!
The Head Honcho

Michael Titterton is at the helm of Hawaii Public Radio and leads a campaign every six months to raise the money needed to keep the station on the air. He has such a wonderful sense of humor and a delightful vocabulary. He makes me laugh a lot. Wayne Yoshioka, a reporter for the HPR, was Michael's sidekick the morning I was volunteering and taking phone calls.
We're Getting Close
Mel was the "tally man" keeping track of all the donations as they came in over the telephones. The Pledge Drive usually lasts 10 days because raising over $800.000 takes time. Hawaii Public Radio is my link to civilization. Make it yours too! You can live stream it from anywhere in the world and see what's happening on my little island in the middle of the Pacific.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
"Watching Everyone Have Fun!"
Bliss is a competitor in the 35th Annual North Shore Menehune Surfing Contest. She told me she loves to come to this event (those are her words in the title)---it's a big day at Ali'i Beach Park in Haleiwa, my little beachtown, for lots of neighborhood families and their keiki. Children come from all over Oahu to ride waves in this world famous event.
The Up and Coming Groms
A "Grom" is a young surfer who is just learning how to ride waves. These three little girls fit that description. Piper, Bliss, holding me, and Haley spent the day at the beach waiting for their heats to begin. Haley was fortunate----she won that board Al Merrick in a raffle! Al is a famous surfboard shaper who has been on the scene for many, many years. Lucky Haley!! That board would cost around $400.
Waiting Their Turns
The Cheerleaders

As I said, the Menehune Surf Contest is a family affair. The parents set up tents early, pack food for the whole day, and lounge on the sidelines rooting for their keiki. There's a class of very young children who can be pushed into the waves by a grownup.
Many of today's top surfers, the ones on the covers of surfing magazines, started their surfing careers here long ago.
Inside the "Everything" Tent
346 children are riding waves competitively in the 2011 Menehune Surfing Contest. This tent checks in the surfers, passes out the goodie bags, gives info, awards prizes, assigns rash guards (nylon or polyester colored swim shirts) that identify one rider from the other, and so much more.
Whew! That's a lot of responsibility.
In Charge of the "Everything" Tent
Ivy is the Co-Director of the North Shore Menehune Surfing Contest. She starts six months in advance putting the whole event together, and, she's a VOLUNTEER! That's her son, Terai, holding me, and his cousin, Tamaroa, by her side. She is a busy, dedicated woman!
Bravo to her for all the love and effort she puts into this contest!
The Big Cheese
It's all in Their Hands

These are the judges, all five of them. They determine the points awarded to the the wave riders for:
1. size of the wave
2. length of the ride
3. control in a critical spot, and "cut backs" or as some oldtimers call it--"hotdoggin"
Each heat is 12 minutes long and has 4-6 surfers in it.
Doug Deal, the judge closest to you, has been judging for 40 years. He coached the world's top surfer, Kelly Slater, when Kelly, a Floridian, was six years old.
Keeping Everyone Informed
Tops in the Nation
Dax McGill, a former Menehune competitor, has gone on to be the best female surfer in the United States in the 14 and under class!!
She volunteered at the event asking young surfers to sign a thank you poster. There are so many organizations and local businesses who contribute to this worthy surfing contest. A thumbs up to all of the sponsors. I was one too!
Sweet Lily, the Surfer Girl

Lily, one of my favorite friends and a competitor in the Menehune, greeted me with lots of love and enthusiasm when I arrived at the contest. That's one of the reasons it's so much fun to live on the North Shore of Oahu, I'm always running into people I know, especially at surfing contests. I am Rex the Surf Dog, remember!
(Did you notice Lily has one of my pups?)
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Bunnies Abound @ Waialua Public Library

Well, you know how I love to get out and make new friends and meet up with old ones. Last week I was at the famous little library in the old sugar plantation town of Waialua. I had just met with my printer, Mickey Wooley of Wooley Brothers, who has his silk screening shop across the dirt road from the library. Tim Littlejohn, the head librarian, asked Mom if she had any collections because the display case was going to be empty in October. Well, you also know how Mom loves to thrift shop, so, yes, she did have a collection---of bunnies! Come by this award-winning library to get a closer look at her colony of rabbits.
For info: http://friendsofthelibraryofhawaii.org/index.php/affiliates/flhaffiliates/105-waialuaaffiliate
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Bravo to Vivi! Hooray for the Dogs!
Vivi Byrne is a hero to the dogs at the Hawaiian Humane Society. She spearheaded a bake sale at Sunset Beach Elementary that raised $100 to buy food for the canines there. Her brother, Vini, baked cookies to support her cause. Mom was Vivi's sponsor and her third grade teacher. Here we are getting ready to present the money to the Society.
Come to the Market!!

I'm at the Haleiwa Farmers' Market every Sunday morning. Please come and visit me and make a craft, a gift of the market, like this little visitor did! We always have fun and learn something new. Find out more at: www.haleiwafarmersmarket.com
Make New Friends at the Market, Too
See the board on which I riding? It's made of recycled wood from the California Coast; wood from boats that were destroyed after the tsunami hit Japan last February and carried its force all the way to North America and crashed into a marina. These two fellows, Mike (holding me) and Fred, came up with the idea of making toys out of the wood that littered the shoreline. I met them at the Haleiwa Farmers' Market. I meet lots of interesting travelers there and so can you. Stop by.
Check out Mike and Fred's website: www.badwoodboards.com
Friday, October 7, 2011
I Love Lily Richards!

Here I am with Lily at my booth at the Haleiwa Farmers' Market. She's a 2nd grade student at Sunset Beach Elementary.
She loves me and I love her!
Lily is a famous surfer on the North Shore of Oahu, sometimes she even announces at the surf contests. She's a brilliant speaker and a terrific reader.
Lily will be competing at the Menehune Surf Contest in Haleiwa starting on October 15th. Come and watch her rip!
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