Wow! 10,000 people showed up for the last surfing contest in the 2012 Triple Crown----the Pipe Masters. The waves were pretty good, but not spectacular. The crowds loved the beach, the warm sand, and all the hubbub.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Get out Your Camera
If you missed the contest this year, you can always come back in 2013 and try your luck at winning a prize by taking a great photo.
The Best Perch of All
Most of the kids you see on the second story of this judge's tower ride for surf companies. They are sponsored at a young age and groomed to become professional surfers. The top floor houses the contest judges. That's Clay Everline holding me. He's an old friend and one of the doctors on staff for the Pipe Masters. Good he's here-----serious injuries can be sustained riding that wave!
And Behind the Scenes...........
Now I'm in the back of the judge's tower. Everyone was making a big fuss over that blue surfboard because Gerry Lopez, Mr. Pipeline, shaped it and it's going to the winner of the contest. Gerry is an oldtime big wave rider and super famous. Those three young girls ogling the board are sponsored surfers for Billabong.
"The" Board
Wendy, the women's coach for Billabong, was kind enough to let me take her picture with the Gerry Lopez surfboard. I must admit, it's one of the prettiest boards I've ever seen. I wonder how it will catch waves? The deck has a photo of Andy Irons paddling out at Pipeline.
Just In
This photographer was rinsing off in one of the many North Shore outside showers. He had just finished shooting the Pipe Masters. The Triple Crown of Surfing rents this house all year long and has it wired for mega transmission for the contest. Now, remember, it's December, and most other people in the world are wearing mittens and caps. Lucky I live Hawaii! (If you know this photographer's name, please leave me a message. I forgot it. Naughty dog.)
My Pal from Japan
Tosh Omi runs the Association of Surfing Professionals in the Far East. He's in charge of all the ASP events there. He is also manufacturing my clothing and beach line and Rex the Surf Dog pups in Japan. Whoopee---I'm going international! Tosh was at the contest announcing and translating to all those viewers back home who only speak Japanese. In the 80's he was competing on the world surfing tour.
Occy---Commentator and Interviewer
Mark Occhilupo is a famous Australian surfer who competed in the world tour and won the title in 1999. Now he's reporting and keeping fans abreast of the minute by minute status of the challengers in the water as a presenter on FuelTV in Australia. He also interviews them after they compete. time maybe he'll interview me.
The Winner-----Joel Parkinson
Parko is the 2012 ASP World Champion. What do you think of his trophy? Pretty impressive if you ask me.
Google his name to find out more about this surfer from Australia or go to:
Google his name to find out more about this surfer from Australia or go to:
Vroom, Vroom
Now, how's this for a surfing contest prize-------ask Seabass-------the winner of the 2012 Vans Triple Crown of Surfing. Sebastian Zeitz is from a well-known surfing family on the island of Kauai. He took home this Harley, along with a $10,000 Nixon watch and $100,000 in prize money!! Yikes, that's a lot of cash!
Seabass said he's taking his winnings and looking to put some money down on a piece of property on the Garden Isle of Kaua'i.
Seabass said he's taking his winnings and looking to put some money down on a piece of property on the Garden Isle of Kaua'i.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Beginning the Season.......
There are many events scheduled on the North Shore starting in November because the circus has come to town. Not really "the circus", but the final contests of the world tour of surfing. This one at Waimea Valley was the first I attended. I always support the Surfrider Foundation benefit; this organization keeps the waves protected across the globe. See more at
He's in Charge
Stuart Coleman leads the Surfrider organization in Hawaii. He's always so personable and ready to have his picture taken with me. Stuart is also a famous author. He just released his 10th anniversary edition of Eddie Would Go, a biography of Eddie Aikau, the well-known Hawaiian waterman.
Jack Johnson Pitches In
Jack was at the Surfrider benefit entertaining the crowd. Because he was raised in this neighborhood and because he's a philanthropist as well as a great musician, he shares his talents to raise awareness of causes. He supports events that support the community here, and around the world. Hooray for Jack!
The First Friday of Every December
Sunset Beach Elementary is in the heart of the surf mecca of the world. Situated across Kamehameha Highway from the Pipeline, this charming school has taken advantage of the surf season on the North Shore. Surf Night, brainchild of former PTCA President, Bev Speece, has been happening for over 20 years and raises thousands of dollars for the school. It's lots of fun--pro surfers signing posters, raffle prizes, tasty baked goods and homecooked meals like the ones Sophie and her friend are eating. Here is a link to the 2011 action:
Hailing from Australia
Nikki, the blonde, and Lauren are up and coming waveriders from the Land Down Under and are sponsored by a big surfing company called Rip Curl. They were on the North Shore representing their sponsor and catching as many waves as they could. Did you notice how many signatures are on that poster?
Mahina Maeda---Surfing to the Top
Mahina went to Sunset Beach Elementary and was one of Mom's students. She's one of the top young women surfers in the world. More and more females are taking up this sport every year---it's healthy and fun to ride waves, isn't it girls? Many former students come back for Surf Night because it's like a family reunion!
The Whole Neighborhood Comes Out
Deni and her daughter, La'e, live at Sunset Beach. Surf Night is a family affair and it draws a huge crowd. Hundreds of prizes are raffled off to raise money for the school and the odds of winning are really good. Make sure to attend this fundraiser if you are on the North Shore the first Friday in December.
Precious Collette
See that little furball in the tote bag? That's Collette, a sweet, sweet petite pooch who is loved to the hilt by her Mom, Kelly. Collette goes everywhere------and Surf Night was no exception. Did you notice the couple behind Kelly? Old friends meet and greet at this iconic fundraiser.
Everyone Pitches In
Corinna and Crystal are second grade teachers at Sunset Beach Elementary. This event is supported by the faculty and staff of the school and all are eager to lend a hand to make Surf Night successful. Aren't their smiles heartwarming------loving teachers make happy students! Anyone for an oatmeal cookie, a brownie, or how about a popcorn ball? (Corinna also has a site for teacher materials--Surfin' Through Second--on Facebook.)
My Name in Lights
I love to support events that make my community a better place. There is something about sharing that makes my heart feel bigger!
The Designer
Nate is in Mom's third grade class this year at Sunset. He loves, loves, loves to design and create art. His favorite is origami and he's an expert at it. This little elf he made, Elfie, is just one of his many creations. He was so proud of it, he just had to bring Elfie to Surf Night to show him off. Mom says she thinks Nate will be an inventor, engineer, or grand designer when he grows up! I think so too.
Freddy P
Fred Patacchia rides big, big waves. He grew up on the North Shore, was in Mom's third grade class, and comes to Surf Night every year. This event reunites so many of the Sunset alumni and they love it!
Just Got Sponsored
Eli Olson was just signed to ride for O'Neill, a surf company that makes clothing, but is famous for its wetsuits. If you surf in cold water, you need one of those. Eli is also an alumni of Sunset Elementary and a former student of Mom's. She's taught over 500 children here, so far, and probably half of them surf! What an exciting community in which to grow up---lucky I live Hawaii. Lucky I live at Sunset Beach!
Yep, Surf Night's Happening!
Make sure you buy plenty of tickets when you attend this annual fundraiser at Sunset Beach Elementary. Listen for your name to be called. The odds are in your favor! See you next December, the first Friday!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
You've Got Mail!
I'm in the Nation's Capital in the heart of the city. The U.S. Postal Museum is across the street from Union Station. It's a beautiful old building, one of many in this city. The ceilings are high and the building is cool and dark-----built long before air conditioning. Come along with me and step into American history....
My Favorite Pooch
This is Owney. He was a traveling dog just like me. I love his story......he wandered into.........well, just read on.
Ben and Me
What in the world is Ben Franklin, one of my favorite Founding Fathers, doing in the Postal Museum?
Read on and find out.........he was a great inventor, and I mean GREAT!
Read on and find out.........he was a great inventor, and I mean GREAT!
Read On.........
I am so intrigued by Ben Franklin. His dad couldn't afford to send him to school as he got older, so Ben and his brothers and sisters would sit around the dinner table in Boston. They would listen to his dad and his dad's friends talk to get their education. I love that idea!
There is Something about a Terrier
What do you think? Do Owney and I look a little bit alike? I know our spirits are the same and we love to travel looking for adventure. Make sure in your travels, when you are in Washington, D.C., you stop and see all the enriching, educational exhibits at the U.S. Postal Museum. You can buy the latest cool stamps there, too. Who knows, you may even start a stamp collection! You might become a philatelist!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Aliens Invading?
It looks like I'm under the ocean and stingrays are swimming above me, don't you think? Well, actually, I stopped in to see my Senator at his office in Washington, D.C. So many of the government buildings in this city have great art. This sculptor is Alexander Calder. I liked it! I like abstract art. Learn more about this artist at:
Come Visit your Elected Official
Should you want to meet your Senator and have a chat, just call his or her office and make an appointment, or drop in. You can always leave a note with the Legislative Aide. That's what I did.
Pretty Fancy
This is just one of the many ornate doors leading into the Senate Office Building. Washington is full of incredible architecture-----brass doors, marble buildings and steps----and expert craftsmanship. Make sure you put it on your list of great places to explore. One of the added bonuses-----almost everything is free to visit----the museums, especially. And, there are scores of them!
All Aboard!
I'm in the heart of Washington, D.C., and staring across the street at Union Station------this is where all the trains arrive and it also has a Metro, the underground rail, for the city. It's also were Union troops were "put up" during the Civil War. Now, that's pretty old. I love this city because it gives me a chance to step back in time and imagine the early scenes from America's history.
A Closer Look
Yep, I'm under the Star-Spangled Banner standing at the entrance to Union Station. Did you know that the thirteen stripes on the American flag represent the 13 original colonies? When you venture to the Nation's Capital, make sure you schedule a train ride. It's always one the highlights of my trip here.
What's really interesting is that so many Europeans ride the rail because that's the way they get around in their homeland. You'll make new friends from around the world when you step into a passenger car, play cards in the lounge car, or have a meal in the dining car.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Surf's Up-----Contest's On
Yep, Sunset Beach, the surf mecca of the world-----my neighborhood. I'm on Mom's cruiser on the Ke Ala Pupukea Bike Path that runs 3 1/2 miles along the beach roads. The HIC (Hawaiian Island Creations) Pro is the first contest of the season. It's Autumn and the surf is comin' up, so is the wind. Did you notice the roof tarps blowing?
Aloha to our Visitors
Danielle is from California. She came to see the HIC Pro Surfing Contest with her boyfriend and celebrate his 50th birthday. They are both learning to surf and took lessons in Haleiwa while they were here. Thousands of tourists travel to the North Shore to watch the best riders in the world surf the best waves in the world.
Who's Winning?
Mahina, one of Mom's former third graders, obliged me and stood by the tally sheets and schedule of heats. Sunny Garcia won the contest. He's an older surfer from Hawaii who won the same event 20 years ago! Bravo, Sunny!
Better Read the Fine Print
Yes, if you are competing in the HIC Pro, it's important to be very clear about the rules. Look at the last one------Yikes! A $1,000 fine-----that's serious! (Remember, if you click on the photo, it enlarges.)
Getting Ready for Action
Kalani Brown, a former student at Sunset Beach Elementary and now a North Shore Lifeguard, was staking the signs for visitors to make them aware of the conditions. The ocean can be very dangerous in the Fall and Winter when the big waves are up. The lifeguards on the North Shore are dedicated and take their job very seriously. Learn more about them at their website:
They are having a benefit on December 7th at Waimea Valley, 6:30 to 10:30. Please come!
They are having a benefit on December 7th at Waimea Valley, 6:30 to 10:30. Please come!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
England? France? Where in the World?
This is the original Smithsonian Museum on the Mall in Washington, D.C. It's a very old four-story brick structure that presently houses the administrative offices of the Smithsonain Institution. It used to be the only building with exhibits. It takes about 15 minutes to walk from the Washington Monument at one end, to the Capitol at the other end. Now there are many museums which line the Mall. I do hope you will come explore this southern city some day soon--Spring and Fall are best.
First Stop----Press Tent
Yes, I am a reporter, even though I am a dog, so I needed to pick up my press pass and kit for the annual 4th of July event on the Mall---the Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Amy had it ready for me!
In Training
Tory, the blonde, and Rebecca were at the Folklife Festival as interns. They "work" for a public relations firm which was handling the communications and press. They told me the best part of their job was being able to come to big events like this one. I think I'd like that part too! It looks pretty casual.
Art "ON" the Mall
This quilt is the longest piece of folkart in the world. It's made of panels created by friends for friends.
Each square is 12 feet by 12 feet. It will be on permanent display at the Smithsonian. Did you notice the two-wheelers by my ear? I like seeing bicycles. Those folks are shrinking their carbon footprint and making the world a cleaner planet. Did you notice the Capitol in the background?
Each square is 12 feet by 12 feet. It will be on permanent display at the Smithsonian. Did you notice the two-wheelers by my ear? I like seeing bicycles. Those folks are shrinking their carbon footprint and making the world a cleaner planet. Did you notice the Capitol in the background?
Santa in his Workshop?
No, that's not Santa, it's Ray Kinlock, a professor at the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York City. He teaches textile design. Today, he's on the Mall to restore some of the older panels on the quilt.
All the Way from South Africa
What's really wonderful about the Smithsonian Folklife Festival is all the interesting people from around the world who have an opportunity to share their cultures. This is Beauty and she loved me. Look at that doll and little beaded bird; it takes a lot of time and training to become so artistic and skillful. (Remember, click on the photograph to get a better look.)
Look Familiar
I felt like I was back in Hawaii and not in Washington, D.C. Lehua and Pualani (in the hat) were dancing hula at the Folklife Festival. It was part of sharing the culture of land grant universities in the United States. They were representing the University of Hawaii. As we were "talking story", I asked them what amazed them about the Nation's Capital and they both replied, "The architecture impressed us the most!" I concur, there are so many beautiful buildings in this city.
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