Friday, June 29, 2007
On the Bay in Annapolis
Today we were in Annapolis, Maryland, at the entrance to the Cheaspeake Bay. (Can you find me at google earth?) At one time, at the beginning of our country's history, during the colonial times, it was the capital of our nation. It is also the home of the Naval Academy. If you want to become a sailor, this is the place to go to college. I loved it there! Boats were everywhere. I was right in the middle of the harbor in the center of the town.
Save the Bay
National Geographic Society Building
Oh my gosh, here I am in the Explorer's Hall on the first floor of the National Geographic Society Building in Washington, D.C. There is always a great display of something interesting for kids, and dogs. This time it was about maps. Perfect for my trip across the United States. Don't I look cute in this photo?
Another New Friend
Ready for the Moon
Just for Kids
Samantha and Jordan were having fun in this cool tent in a rain forest. They talked with me for a little bit and let me take their picture. So......if you ever get a chance to visit Washington, D.C., make sure you include a stop at the National Geographic Society Building!! You can always google the site to see what's new and interesting and waiting for youl
French Food in Washington, D.C.
We had lunch at a fabulous restaurant in Washington, D.C., at Dupont Circle on Connecticut Avenue. It's called Bistro Du Coin. Our waitress was Zeynep. She liked to smile. She thought I was funny. If you are ever in our nation's capital, make sure you visit this place-----it's just like being in France!! Yummy!! Yummy!! There are many great restaurants in the city because so many people from all over the world live here and have established eateries showcasing their country's favorite foods.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
The Fisherman on Lake Michigan
Here I am with Jay, the fisherman, and Mom. We met Jay as he was leaving after an afternoon of fishing on Lake Michigan. He just fished for fun. He caught bass and then threw them back in the water. He walked dogs for a job. He said it was a good job for him because he had lots of time to go fishing!
Lake Michigan, Illinois
Sears Tower, Chicago
Here I am in Chicago, Illinois, the Windy City. It was a beautiful summer day. The train arrived about dinnertime. Because we were traveling in a sleeper, we were able to store our luggage in the Metropolitan Lounge and take a quick walk around the city and down to Lake Michigan. There were lots of people on the streets who were just leaving their jobs and going home. Most of the people I saw had their offices in those big buildings behind me. Wow, they were really tall compared to the buildings back home in Honolulu!
Corn, Corn, Corn
Now that we are closer to the Great Lakes (Can you find Lake Michigan?), there are more small farms. Almost everyone had a few fields of corn. Did you know corn kernels were found in ruins hundreds of years old in North America, and they still popped!! Read POPCORN by Tomie DePaola and find out more.
Beautiful Scenery
As we got closer to Chicago, we started seeing more rivers, ponds, and streams. We began going over more bridges and the landscape was a lot greener. Taking the train is exciting! I am getting to see so much more than being on the highways, and I don't have to see lots of truckstops, gas stations, and fast food joints.
La Junta, Colorado
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Freight Trains
Now the trouble with being on a passenger train is this---the freight trains have the right-of-way which means they go first. So if a freight train is on the tracks coming your way, you have to move aside and let it pass. Well, as you can imagine, this causes delays so the train arrives late sometimes.
Out the Window
Bobby and Me
Here is my dad, Bobby. He likes to stay in the background and take the photos of me, but I wanted you to see what he looks like. He's very kind and patient with all our stopping and starting. Mom and I are lucky. We're sitting in the club car. It's a place for everybody on the train to sit and play games or cards or read or write letters. It's really fun to watch the country go by.
Where are the Tickets?
Luckily Mom had everything in order and we got on our sleeper (a train car with beds and bathrooms, and even a shower!) Each sleeper car has an attendent who watches out for you and supplies you with towels and bed linens. He also checks to make sure you are on the right train and in the right car!! Now it's overnight to Chicago, Illinois!
Lamy, New Mexico
We took a shuttle from the Hilton in Santa Fe to Lamy, a town about 30 minutes away. The train station was very rustic in a southwestern sort of way. Our shuttle driver, Jon, whose father was the famous author of SHANE, agreed to pose with Mom and me. It was soooo hot sitting up on that metal wagon edge. Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Oh My Gosh!!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Ernesto, the Artist
Sitting Pretty
Tour Guide, Pat
I ran into Pat as we were walking around Santa Fe. She's an independent tour guide. She gave us lots of info. Notice how beautiful she looks in turquoise!! Pat told us about the "Harvey Girls" who worked in the Harvey Hotels out West. See if you can find anything out about them!! Did you find Santa Fe, New Mexico, yet?
Zoe from Santa Fe
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Children's Museum
Here I am entering my own special door of the Santa Fe Children's Museum. It was fun inside and lots was happening. I made huge bubbles with a wire hoop. I explored the "Green House" and met several fledgling canaries. All the people there were so nice to me. A lot of the time when strangers see me in the backpack, Rex, my Mom, made for me, they smile and have a very curious expression on their faces. I'm glad I have a big smile-------I think it must be contagious because everybody, or well, almost everybody, smiles back when they look at me!
Building Materials
Can You Find Me?
Randall Davey House
This is Randall Davey's home, which along with his land, was donated to the Audubon Society. Randall Davey was a famous artist and an accomplished (good) cello player from New York. In 1919, about 100 years ago, he drove his wife and another couple to Santa Fe all the way from New York City in a Model T. Yikes!! He had to change the tires four times!!
My New Friend, Tom
I Love Flowers!
Audubon Center, Santa Fe
Monday, June 18, 2007
Dodi, Mom, and Me
Dodi lives in Santa Fe, in a little adobe house. Adobe is clay. There aren't many trees for building houses there. The natural resource most available, instead, is adobe. Look up the word, adobe, and let me know what it says!
(To get to the other slide!) Tell it with lots of expression and make many people laugh!
Inside the Bus
Greyhound---the Bus
Well, because I would have had to return to Los Angeles to go to Santa Fe, New Mexico, by train, that was not an option. So........Bobby, Rex, and I took the Greyhound bus for about 600 miles. It was pretty fun. The bus was full all of the time and most of the riders were men. We stopped every hour and a half or so. There was a bathroom at the back of the bus. Whew! The truckstops were interesting and so was the scenery. We arrived on time which was much better than the train. I had to drink lots and lots of water because I kept getting dehydrated. Remember, I'm traveling in a desert climate. See if you can google Santa Fe and find me out West.
Little Bear
Dr. Katie and Me
The Breakfast Club
30 Miles South of Phoenix
It's six in the morning as our train pulled into Maricopa, Arizona. It was was pretty cool, but in only a couple of hours, the temperature began to rise. While we were in Phoenix, it was usually about 107F to 110F most of the time. It cooled down to 97F in the night. Can you imagine? Luckily, I have a short fur coat!
The Sunset Limited arrives at Sunrise
Oh, boy, what a night. The train car got hot and the air conditioning couldn't be fixed. Bobby, my other owner, was putting wet paper towels on his head to cool down. He looked pretty funny! The conductor felt sorry for us so he moved us up to the front and then we cooled down. Whew. It was a long ride from Los Angeles to Phoenix---it was supposed to take eight hours, but it took sixteen!
Catchin' zzzz's
Well, the train was running behind schedule because there were so many freight trains that made us wait as they passed us by. Also a signal light switch, which tells the trains when to come and go so everything's safe, broke. So our train which was due to arrive in Maricopa, a town south of Phoenix, at ten in the evening, didn't come in on time. It was eight hours late!!!! I let my owner, Rex, used me for a pillow and she got a little shut eye.
All Aboard
Outward Bound
Our First Farmer's Market!! Yippee!!
This was our first visit to a farmer's market. It was right across the street from Anita's art school in Westchester. Wow!! I had a tall, fresh, strawberry lemonade. Oh, boy, did that cool me down. We walked around and saw lots of yummy fruit and good healthy foods to eat. Best of all we met Augustino Zapata who played romantic Spanish guitar for us. He also sold me some freshly pressed pomegranate juice from an orchard where he works. Look for a video clip on my blog later.
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