Thursday, June 21, 2007

Children's Museum

Here I am entering my own special door of the Santa Fe Children's Museum. It was fun inside and lots was happening. I made huge bubbles with a wire hoop. I explored the "Green House" and met several fledgling canaries. All the people there were so nice to me. A lot of the time when strangers see me in the backpack, Rex, my Mom, made for me, they smile and have a very curious expression on their faces. I'm glad I have a big smile-------I think it must be contagious because everybody, or well, almost everybody, smiles back when they look at me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Rex!!!

It is Tori and Drake. We are still on the train. we enjoyed meeting you and Surfdog. We hope you guys have a safe journey!!

We are on our way home to San Antionio.